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Use of ABF Youth Committee On-Line Bridge Accounts

Use of OKBridge Accounts (5/2/03)

Youth players are entitled to use E-bridge and OK Bridge accounts which have been donated to the ABF Youth Committee. Players wishing to take advantage of the opportunity provided are expected to conform to the following regulations.

1. All on-line bridge accounts which are under the control of the ABF Youth Committee are for the exclusive use of youth players, being defined as players eligible to represent their state/territory or Australia in youth competition.

2. Players may be given exclusive use of one account by the Youth Coordinator for periods of up to two months and will be given a password which will allow such use for the period assigned.

3. No player may change the password on any account without the approval of the Youth Coordinator. In the case of regular users, such permission may be given on an on-going basis, provided the Youth Coordinator is made aware of the interim password.

4. Any player authorised to alter the password must restore the general password of the account at the conclusion of any playing session or granted period of exclusive use.

It should be noted that these regulations are designed to make these on-line services available to a maximum number of youth players. Any action which denies such an opportunity will be treated very seriously by the ABF Youth Committee and may involve sanctions which extend beyond the on-line activity in question.

For purposes of the above, the Youth Coordinator can be contacted by email on . Please allow a day or two for any approval of use or password change.

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