• eBulletins
Linda Stern Women's and Bobby Evans Seniors' Teams
Posted by Marcia Scudder on Friday, 30 October 2015 at 13:09
This year there were only 13 entries to the Linda Stern Women's Teams and 19 to the Bobby Evans Seniors' Teams.
As the Women's field would not support a 9 round Swiss movement, the two fields were combined in a single Swiss movement of 32 teams. As far as possible, the draw in rounds 1, 7, 8 and 9 saw Women vs Women and Seniors vs Seniors.
Linda Stern Women's Teams
The final was between
SMART Di Smart - Felicity Beale - Rena Kaplan - Nevena Djurovic and
TRAVIS Barbara Travis - Candice Ginsberg - Sue Lusk - Margaret Bourke - Marianne Bookallil - Jodi Tutty
The winners of the Datums Medals were Kinga Moses and Nazife Bashar
The photos below show the presentation of trophy and medallions by David Stern (accompanied by his granddaughter, Claudia).
The final was tight with TRAVIS 119 victorious over SMART 113.1.
Marianne Bookallil, Jodi Tutty, Candice Ginsberg, Di Smart, Felicity Beale, Rena Kaplan and Nevena Djurovic
Margaret Bourke, Sue Lusk, Barbara Travis
Bobby Evans Seniors' Teams
The final was between
LORENTZ Gabi Lorentz - Stephen Burgess - Bill Haughie - Ron Klinger and
NEILL Bruce Neill - Peter Buchen - Henry Christie - Terry Brown - Richard Jedrychowski
Paul Wyer had been a member of the qualifying NEILL team, but due to ill health, he could not compete in the final.
The Datums Medals were won by Gabi Lorentz and Stephen Burgess
The final saw LORENTZ 126.8 prevail over NEILL 88.
Stephen Burgess, Ron Klinger, Bill Haughie, Gabi Lorentz Bruce Neill, Henry Christie, Richard Jedrychowski, Peter Buchen
(absent Terry Brown)