What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for September 2005

The best submission for the month of September was made by David Ouvrier.

Hand: Sitting North as dealer playing Matchpoints, at favourable vulnerability, I held:

spades K95
hearts K
diamonds AQ7432
clubs AK8
Bidding: West  North East South
    1diamonds P 1hearts
   P 2NT P 3hearts
   P 4hearts //


Comments: Playing with a new partner and lacking much in the way of agreements, the bidding went as above. I opened 1diamonds and thought that 2NT (18-19) would show the strength of the hand though perhaps not the playing strength. I considered 4diamonds but 2NT seemed the least of available evils. I thought that the 3hearts bid was warning me off NT. We ended in 4hearts instead of 6diamonds when partner held: :

Partner held:
spades 3
hearts AJ7632
diamonds K105
clubs Q52

Any views on how to bid this would be appreciated.

And Peter's Response:

Hi David,

Good question, for which, for once, I have a systemic answer.

Many modern partnerships have an agreement that after opener starts with 1 clubs/1 diamonds/1 hearts and responder bids one-over-one, i.e. 1 diamonds/1 hearts/1 spades, opener's immediate rebid of 3NT shows a hand that is too good for a jump re-bid of three of opener's suit (but was not good enough for a 2 clubs opening). This will often be based on a seven card suit, but many good quality six card suits will qualify.

The bid is non-forcing, but does not show a balanced hand. It is not promised, but there will be a tendency, to be short in responder's suit. Certainly, primary support will not be held. With this gadget in the armoury, the auction becomes almost trite. -  

West  North East South
    1diamonds P 1hearts
   P 3NT P 4diamonds*
 P 4NT** P 5hearts***
   P 6diamonds //

*    forcing, stronger than 5diamonds
**   Roman Keycard Blackwood
***  two keycards without the trump Queen

One advantage of this approach is that it takes pressure off the jump to 2NT. This bid now will now be more balanced and more precise in definition

Peter Fordham

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