What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for October 2009

Arie Meydan made the best submission for the month of October.

Hand: Dealer West with NS vulnerable, IMPs

spades 5
hearts Q9742
diamonds J7642
clubs 62
spades AKQ107
hearts A
diamonds K83
clubs J753
Bidding: West  North East South
  Pass Pass 1diamonds  1spades 
1NT Pass Pass  2clubs
Pass Pass Pass  

Comments:     EW were playing Precision, the short D version. NS were playing two suited overcalls and so South could not have had a 5/5 shape. Could you please comment on the relative merits or otherwise, not only of the actual sequence but also on other possible North's and South's bids?

1. Instead of 1spades, South could have also bid 1NT or doubled.
2. At the second opportunity, South could have also passed or doubled for take-out.
3. After 2clubs by South, North could have corrected to 2spades (false preference, in case South is 6/4), 2diamonds (natural, as logically this could not have been a cue bid) or 2hearts.
4. The rationale of passing 2clubs is "no double no trouble". How would you rate it in comparison to the other three North's alternatives?

The other two hands:
spades 9864
hearts J1065
diamonds Q9
clubs KQ8
spades J32
hearts K83
diamonds A105
clubs A1094

The defence allowed South to ruff hearts twice and make (mercifully) 6 tricks.

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Arie,

This is a difficult hand.

One thing I have noticed is that precision-style diamond and sometimes the 2+ short club often end up stealing opponents' best fit. I am planning on raising this matter with my partner to try and think of an improvement instead of the standard "cue-bid opponents' suit" strategy which is not working very well.

Onto your questions

1. 1spades seems quite clear.

2. While I take the point about two-suited overcalls, I don't like 2clubs on the second round. In general, bidding poor suits in competition is something worth avoiding (unless we hold compensating length in the same suit, say Jxxxx+)

I'd prefer a value showing double.

3. North's choices are all rather ugly although 2spades catering for a 6/4 North has appeal.

Not sure about 2diamonds being natural. In my partnership, 2diamonds would sound like a good club raise. But, again, as I said earlier, this possibly needs to be reassessed.

All the choices are equally yucky, although 2hearts might be the way to go on the grounds that partner will probably expect a weak hand with a 5-card suit (we did not bid over 1NT).

4. Cannot really crime passing 2clubs. However, when partner takes two bids vulnerable, North should realize that we have fair amount of points between us. The risks of being doubled are not that great. So looking for a better spot has something going for it.

 All in all, a very difficult hand


Hi Sartaj,

Thanks for the detailed reply. It is some comfort that Tom and I (who are not a regular partnership) mishandled a hand which even you consider difficult.

I think (hindsight is wonderful) that in view of West's NT (likely to have spadesJxxx) and North's silence it would have been prudent by Vul South not to bid again. Also the logic of the situation is that 2diamonds or 2hearts by North would indicate a 5+suit and disgust with the black suits' holdings, while retaining the option of playing in 2spades if South has a good 6-carder. It costs nothing but is more flexible than 2spades.

Best regards, Arie

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