What should I bid? - Best enquiry for November 2009

The best submission for November came from Ernie Waldstein.

 Hand:     I held the South hand:

spades J64
hearts Q8
diamonds K763
clubs Q942
Bidding: West North East South
     2NT  3hearts  ?

Comments:     North's 2NT shows 20-22 HCP and may contain a 5 card major. What do I bid as South? I want to know if partner has a stopper in hearts for 3NT.

At the table I doubled, partner took this as penalty, and fortunately they went one off - it happened to be a near top as 3NT loses the first 5 heart tricks.

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Ernie,

There is limited room over 3hearts to negotiate all the relevant issues: 4-4 spade fit, 5-3 spade fit, heart stopper for 3NT.

My preference is for double to be takeout (find 4-4 spade fit); 3spades to be natural forcing (5-3 fit) and 3NT to be natural.

Opposite a partner with 20-22 HCP and with us holding Qx in their suit, we rate to have a stopper. On your hand, I would have chosen 3NT.

It doesn't quite work on this hand but that is my recommendation.


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