What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for November 2008

The best submission for November came from Brian Thorp.

 Hand:   Dealer North, NS vulnerable, I was West holding:

spades 52
hearts AKJ753
diamonds A
clubs Q532
Bidding: West  North East South
       Pass  1spades  Pass
   2hearts  Pass  3diamonds  Pass
 4clubs  Pass  5clubs  Pass
 5hearts  Pass  5NT  All pass

Comments:    We missed our 6hearts contract as partner thought I had fve clubs and as a result I thought partner had zero hearts (he was 5-1-4-3 with the heart ten).

As 3diamonds is a game force, I now think I should have bid 3hearts instead of 4clubs. But the hand raises the question of "fourth suit forcing" at the four level. How do you recommend it should be played at this level?

Second question (whilst on the topic).
I play a 5-card-major, weak-NT system and, like most people, play FSF at the 3 level as asking and game forcing.

However at the 1 and 2 levels I play it as forcing for one round only. Also, at the one level I still play it as asking, though I believe some players think it best to play it as showing. Do you think my 1- and 2- level treatments are best?

Brian Thorp

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Brian,

I think it's just brilliant when the person who poses the problem proposes the answer too :)

Yes, I agree that 3hearts is the best bid. The most common use of 4clubs in that auction is of a cue-bid agreeing diamonds. However, I do know that at least some world class pairs play it as showing 6 strong hearts and 5+ strong clubs.
And a very strong hand (as 4clubs bypasses the safety of 3NT on what appears to be a misfitting hand).

The other question about fourth-suit forcing, it appears that there is some English influence on your bidding style! The Great Britain area seems to be the only part of the world where some people prefer the 1-round forcing approach. More or less, in the expert community, fourth suit is played as game-forcing. At the risk of sometimes overbidding to a game, it makes the regular game-forcing auctions more intelligent and gives us a better chance both to play the best game and towards investigating potential slam issues.

At the one level there is only one auction 1clubs - 1diamonds; hearts - 1spades and although Tony and I play that as artificial game-forcing, the "standard" expert policy is that 1spades is natural, forcing one round (while 2spades over 1hearts is played as fourth-suit game-force).

You might also be interested to know that all the natural Italian pairs are these days trying a new scheme. After 1x- 1Y; 1Z they play 2clubs as artificial, invitiational and 2diamonds as artificial, game-force (even if someone has already bid diamonds)


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