What should I bid? - Best enquiry for May 2010

The best submission for May came from Brian Thorp.

 Hand:      Dealer East with EW vulnerable, I was West with this hand:

spades 754
hearts 10876
diamonds 964
clubs KQJ
Bidding: West North East South
       1spades  Pass
 1NT  Pass  3NT  Pass
 Pass  Pass

Comments:     We play 5-card majors with a weak NT. East held AKQ93, Q5, KQ8, AT9.

I responded 1NT because I thought 1NT would be less attractive to partner and I had ten losers if we played in a spade contract. Would you have bid 1NT with my hand? If not, are there any hands with 6-9 hcp and 3-card support for partner's 5-card major where you would do? If I had responded 2spades, do you think partner should have then bid 3NT or 4spades?

On the actual deal, 4spades couldn't make. 3NT could, but only if played by East.

Kieran's Reply:


The 1NT response with three card support is OK with truly vile raises - those not really good enough for a raise to 2spades, particularly 4333 types and/or with scattered honours (say Jxx,Qxx,Qxx,Jxxx or worse). If your partner rebids in a suit, you give simple preference to spades, pretending temporarily to have only two spades but perhaps a slightly better hand. In terms of playability for spades, it all works out, and you hear fewer jumps to 4spades when you were about to offer a vile dummy.

This hand has three positives for 1NT - mediocre six-count, 3433 shape and weak spades. Against bidding 1NT is the concentration of honours, which increases the chance that you belong in a suit. All things considered, I don't regard either 2spades or 1NT as an error. With a bit more (another queen, say) you must raise spades.

(Strong notrumpers can also bid 1NT fairly safely with 10-11 balanced with three trumps - your partner either has a weak notrump or will rebid. Weak notrumpers can only do this if partner can be relied upon to systemically rebid (in a 3-card minor, say) with his balanced 15-16s. It's playable, but it's not common.)

Over 2spades I...no, wait, I don't hold this hand. I already opened it 2NT, which should be raised to 3 (Stayman is inadvisable with 4333 types). If I did forget to open 2NT, I think that neither 3NT nor 4spades from opener is an error.

3NT looks superior, regardless of siding - it's hard work for the opponents to untangle four heart tricks, so 3NT should make any time that the spades run and some other times besides. 4spades needs probably the diamond ace onside to go with the spade break.


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