What should I bid? - Best enquiry for May 2009

The best submission for May came from Maura Rhodes.

 Hand:    Dealer East, NS vulnerable, teams, North holds:

spades A97
hearts QJ108
diamonds 5
clubs QJ873
Bidding: West North East South
       Pass   1spades
   Pass  ?    

Comments:    We play two over one, so a bid of 2clubs shows 13+ HCP. To show an invitational hand with 3spades, we bid 3hearts. We play 1NT as almost forcing: partner can only pass if he has opened on a 10 or 11 count. I was afraid to respond 1NT as I wanted to be in game, but felt 2clubs was an overbid. Is there a way out of this dilemma, Sartaj? Partner had


Sartaj's Reply:


With 3 card support for partner's 5 card suit, the way to value a hand is

1 for doubleton
3 for a singleton
5 for a void

Note however that the singleton should be a small singleton.
And the doubleton should not be a honor holding like Qx or Kx or Jx.

I will usually also add another point to my hand if I hold the fourth trump in support for partner.

By this sort of count, your hand is worth 10 plus 3 for the small singleton. There is no clear defect in the hand (like xxx of trumps only) which would warrant a downgrade. In fact the ten of hearts and QJ of clubs give the hand some solidity as they are both potential source of tricks.

With my 13 points, I would comfortably recommend 2clubs followed by 4spades on our next bid.

The alternative approach is to bid 1spades - 3hearts for now with the idea of raising partner's 3spades signoff to 4spades anyways. However, you need to have a partner who will bid in tempo over 3hearts because the directors will not believe you if partner bids a slow 3spades and you raise.


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