What should I bid? - Best enquiry for March 2012

The best submission for March came from Pele Rankin.

Hand:   I am South, Dealer - West, Vul N/S

spades 8
hearts K82
diamonds AJ10862
clubs J94
Bidding: West North East South
1spades Pass 2clubs 2diamonds
2spades 3clubs 3diamonds Pass
3spades 4diamonds 4spades Pass
Pass Dbl Pass ?

Comments:      Should I pull this double? We play intermediate jump overcalls (when vul) therefore my 2 passes suggest I am a weak 6 card suit. We open good 11s. Red against Green, I thought I'd bid my hand and 5diamonds would surely get doubled; but I also think 4spadesX is going to make. Awkward moment :)

Andy's Reply:

Hi Pele!

I am assuming partner's 3clubs was understood as a good diamond raise. I'm not quite sure what you mean by "...therefore my 2 passes suggest I am a weak 6 card suit" - partner's 3clubs bid was only suggesting a good raise and by no means are you forced to take an action over 3diamonds or 4spades (even when partner took another bid of 4diamonds).

One thing you have to look at in this type of situation is that - when interfering the opponent's auction when they have opened and made a 2-over-1 response, is that the "normal overcall philosophy" has changed. The reason for that is because the opponents have announced the majority of the deck (and even more so if the 2 over 1 was GF). Weak jump overcalls still exist of course (say you had bid 3diamonds or 3hearts over 2clubs) but sometimes they do not resemble a "pure pre-emptive hand" because when the opponents have announced strength you sometimes take a different strategy to "preempt" with an average hand in order to put pressure onto their auction. A typical 3diamonds bid over 2clubs may be made with as little as x xxx AKJTxxx xx or maybe as strong as x Ax AQJTxxx xxx - your intention isn't to separate the "weak" hands from the "intermediate" hands, but to disrupt the opponent's auction given that you most likely do not have a game on. You may have other intentions too for interfering such as finding a good sacrifice or simply a "noise bid" to direct a lead. For example, if I was favourable I would bid 2diamonds on xx Qxxx KQxxxx x because not only does it direct the lead but you would not mind if partner sacrifices with 5diamonds (obviously the vulnerability takes into a huge account whether you should come into the auction at all or not).

As for the auction you provided I would definitely pass. I'm very happy to have made a noise with the 2diamonds as partner now knows what to lead and also, the opponent's didn't have a very convincing auction to 4spades (partner could easily have 2 trump tricks along with a side Ace). Having said that it's certainly not the time to be pulling partner's penalty double - we've got our bid and we should respect partner's decision. If this is IMPs it won't be the end of the world if it makes - it's only 5 IMPs, but 5diamondsX looks to be a minimum of 2 off.

Hope that helps :)


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