What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for June/July 2010

Maura Rhodes made the best submission for June and July.

Hand: Dealer North, with EW vulnerable, Pairs:

spades 753
hearts AQJ9
diamonds Q106
clubs Q107
spades 109
hearts 43
diamonds K943
clubs AJ632
  spades 8642
hearts 82
diamonds J8752
clubs 94
  spades AKQJ
hearts K10765
diamonds A
clubs K85
Bidding: West  North East South
  Pass Pass  1hearts
Pass 3diamonds* Pass  3NT**
Pass 4hearts Pass  4spades
Pass 5clubs Pass  6hearts

*3diamonds=Bergen raise, 4 card support, invitation to game
**3NT = RKCB

Comments:     Kieran, should South open 1hearts or 2clubs? After the Bergen raise, is it right to immediately use RKCB or is there a better action.

Kieran's Reply:


I strongly prefer 1hearts. For one thing, the hand is hardly a game force. For another, opening 1hearts gives you your best chance to evaluate fits. Look how much better off you are with 1hearts:3diamonds compared to 2clubs:2diamonds,2hearts:3hearts - you know so much more.

After 3diamonds, RKC is best. Opposite one key card, play 6hearts. Opposite two keycards and the trump queen, you could try seven if you're feeling bold, making any time that dummy has only six black cards (clubs can be pitched on spades).

Since you're not worried about any specific control, cuebidding or something like that is pointless.


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