What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for January 2008

The best submission for January came from Jenny Lee.

 Hand: All vulnerable, dealer North, the partnership held:

spades 87
hearts -
diamonds AKQ643
clubs AQ1065
spades 5
hearts AQJ53
diamonds J109
clubs KJ42
Bidding: West  North East South
       2hearts  Pass Pass
   3diamonds Pass 5diamonds Pass
   Pass Pass

Comments:    Our basic system is Standard. 6diamonds  was cold. If West had doubled I would have left it. How should we have bid it?

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Jenny,

East's raise to 5diamonds seems reasonable. East could splinter by bidding 4spades  but there is an element of ambiguity in a jump like that at this high level and a danger of partnership misunderstanding.

However, West doesn't seem to have done enough justice to their hand. On the given auction a raise to 6diamonds seems indicated as spadesA and clubsK are enough to make 6diamonds  and the East hand could easily have more for their jump raise.

There is also scope for a "system" fix. Tony and I play that after a 2hearts opening by the opponents:

3hearts = stopper ask
4clubs/diamonds = that suit and spades, 5/5 like Michaels
4hearts = both minors and a high card rich hand
4NT = both minors but just a distributional hand

On this hand, with our methods, the West hand can bid 4hearts and East has a comfortable 6clubs over that.

Enjoy bridging
Sartaj Hans

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