What should I bid? - Best enquiry for February 2013

The best submission for February came from Maura Rhodes.

Hand:     Dealer North, E/W Vulnerable, Pairs. I was South:

spades AJ108
hearts AQ954
diamonds K108
clubs K
Pass 2spades

Comments:      2spades was described as 5spades with a 5 card side suit, weak. What is my bid, please, Andy?

Andy's Reply:

Hi Maura,

Not a pretty problem at all! I think the possible options are (a) 2NT overcall, (b) 3hearts overcall, and (c) Pass. 2NT has the advantage of getting your right strength across but obviously the main drawback is the singleton club (the singleton might be OK since it is a king) and possibly the 5 card heart suit if you don't play Puppet Stayman. A 3hearts overcall has the advantage of getting your 5th heart across, but the disadvantage is that your hand isn't really all about "hearts" as you might belong in NT's or diamonds. And finally, pass is an interesting choice, and I think it is the one that I will choose. Partner's a passed hand and the opponents are vul at pairs. I think our hand has lots of defence so even if the auction gets passed out, I rate our chances to take this contract off 1, and hopefully even 2 off for a juicy +200. Given that we have lots of trump control, taking this contract two off shouldn't be a rarity.

If the auction continues 3clubs (Pass or Correct) by West passed to me, or if West bids 2NT (asking) and East bids 3clubs to me, I will then double for takeout.


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