What should I bid? - Best enquiry for February 2009

The best submission for February came from Lynn Kalmin.

 Hand:   Nil Vulnerable with South the dealer, you hold as South:

spades K53
hearts AQ105
diamonds A72
clubs 972
Bidding: West North East South
   Pass  1spades  3diamonds  Pass
 Pass  Double  Pass  ?

Comments:    What should South bid? The partnership is playing basic standard - all bids are natural. After South chose the 'wrong' action for the hand an interesting debate followed and very strong opinions were held.

Sartaj's Reply:

Hi Lynn,

It's a tricky hand and I can think of three options - pass, 3spades and 3hearts  with 3NT a vague fourth choice.

I am dismissing 3NT as this could be a silly contract. I would rather pass and take the penalties for we should get at least +300 if we are making 3NT.

I am also giving up on pass as we might have a slam and they rate to have a 9 card or maybe even a 10 card fit.

That leaves us with 3hearts and 3spades. I sort of like 3hearts, because it gives partner a chance to bid 3spades (over which I can bid 4diamonds, showing diamond control and a spade fit).

I am interested in the full hand. I'm sure hands like this lead to a fiery exchange of opinions.


Lynn's reply:

Thanks for your quick reply and valuable comments. North's hand was;

spades AJ74
hearts KJ2
diamonds 1064
clubs AQJ

Obviously, in hindsight the best bid was pass. A bid that I didn't consider! 4hearts is a make because the suit breaks. 4spades impossible because the suit breaks 5/1. 3NT is a make if you decide to take the spade finesse rather than play on clubs for your 9th trick.

The bid that I chose at the table was 3spades but I definitely see the merit of bidding 3hearts. Not sure if this will ever help us to get to 4hearts rather than 4spades.

Anyway, thanks for your 'impartial' outside opinion. Obviously because 'pass' works, partner thought it was the standout bid.


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