What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for August 2007

Edna Matheson made the best submission for the month of August.

Hand: Playing Standard, dealer was North, I held the South hand.

spades A82
hearts 8763
diamonds K8
clubs KQ76
spades J953
hearts QJ10
diamonds 652
clubs J104
  spades 1076
hearts A95
diamonds J10943
clubs 52
  spades KQ4
hearts K42
diamonds AQ7
clubs A983
Bidding: West  North East South
      1clubs Pass  1diamonds
  Pass  1NT Pass   ?

Comments:    I was sitting South and considered playing in 3NT or 6clubs as I thought my partner's hand was a 5332 shape. However, I made the wrong decision and finished in 6clubs making 11 tricks. Do you think I should even be considering 6clubs after partner's 1NT rebid as my hand is very flat? How do you think the bidding should go?

Peter's Reply:

Hi Edna,

Whether your partner ought to have bid 1hearts is a matter of partnership style. Certainly if "check backs" are used, the need to bid 1hearts is diminished. Inferences about partner's hand pattern cannot be made accurately in this sequence. Partner could easily be 4333 on clubs, hearts or spades. Holding e.g.

spades AJ2
hearts AQ
diamonds 8652
clubs K1065

Would one necessarily raise to 2diamonds rather than re-bid 1NT?

Had the auction been 1clubs: 1diamonds; 2clubs it is clear that this confirms 6+ clubs, because with fewer 1hearts, 1spades, 1NT or 2diamonds would be available to re-bid with a minimum hand.

I like your 1diamonds bid holding only three of the suit as a way to economically solicit a descriptive rebid from partner.

The auction should have gone 1clubs: 1diamonds; 1NT : 3NT.

My view is that you are a queen underweight to attempt slam. Change a small heart in your hand for the queen and, with this very balanced hand pattern and a twenty count, I would only bid 4NT, a quantitative raise. Even then 6clubs or 6NT is about a 50% proposition, still not quite good enough.

Peter Fordham

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