What should I Bid? - Best enquiry for April 2007 

Richard Touton made the best submission for the month of April.

 Hand: At IMP scoring, nil vulnerable and North the dealer you hold the following hand at West: :

spades 5432
hearts K74
diamonds K3
clubs J1065
Bidding: West  North East South
      Pass 1spades 4hearts 

Comments:    Our basic system is Standard with Negative Doubles up to 3spades and higher doubles are optional. 4spades , Pass and Double all seem possible. What would you bid and why? 

Peter's Reply:

Hi Richard,

I would Pass.

Playing traditional methods, if the bidding went 1spades, (Pass) to you, you would bid 2spades. That is what your hand is worth.

If the bidding went 1spades, (3hearts) to you, you would have the choice of Pass and 3spades.

Should you be prepared to be pushed one level higher than your preferred level? Generally the answer to this question is "yes".

Should you be prepared to be pushed two or more levels higher than what you would bid without interference? Generally, the answer to this question is "no".

So, here, 4spades is out. To bid 4spades on the auction, holding an ordinary shaped hand, you need the values for a limit raise or better.

Apart from anything else, partner needs to be able to judge what to do if your left hand opponent bids 5hearts over a 4spades bid from you. Should you Double? With what? The values to prevent the overtrick?

A Pass in tempo is correct and allows partner to bid whatever is appropriate to the worth of his/her hand.

Peter Fordham

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