Chat log of Bridge Base Online session for vugraph37 starting at: Mon Jun 14 09:56:28 2004 vugraph37: players just going over the prealerts robbg: Thank you. robbg: Welcome! mcphee: hi folks robbg: hi robbg: We are not ahead of the "other" event yet in attendance but there is still time... tejjyid: good morning all Walddk2 (Broadcast): Live broadcast from Australia resuming now. 1 table only tejjyid: Welcome to round 9 of the Victor Champion Cup shevek: good morning, afternoon and evening everyone :) tejjyid: Well, there is some competition! mcphee: Nicoleta my beer drinking companion robbg: For the non-Australians here, we might see some interesting bidding treatments! shevek: thx Bob, pretty cold here, rather have a cup of tea :) vugraph37: just waiting for the go ahead from the director to start robbg: The Australians are quite liberal about systems tejjyid: Kanetka is not a technical bidder; but he likes to attack mcphee: oh your winter is coming around shevek: Avi Kanetkar if there is enough room tejjyid: Haffer is also an agressive bidder; he likes gadgets but I doubt kanetka will let him use them vugraph37: ===============15 robbg: This is a 16 board swiss match, correct? tejjyid: correct tejjyid: reults and tournamanet details at mcphee: seems 4!H may be difficult with a !S lead tejjyid: luckily a !S lead not easy to find robbg: This will be a cakewalk, and may make 6 on the lie mcphee: he may well mcphee: I like Haffers 2!S rebid tejjyid: I would rebid 2NT shevek: guess anything else would show extras tejjyid: Txx looks like a stopper mcphee: well 2NT is the value rebid but with sloppy !D control 2!S not so unreasonable robbg: now will make 4 barring unusual d play robbg: well, there it was! tejjyid: I wonder why Kanetka bid 4!H & not 4!D... Would 4 !D be more slam going? vugraph37: =================16 robbg: Will we get comparisons at some point? tejjyid: Comparisons will kick in after 2 boards shevek: wi hope so shevek: we robbg: Thx mcphee: moir is not done tejjyid: no fear tejjyid: a low !C might be better mcphee: gives a !S pitch vugraph37: ===============1 tejjyid: A weak 2? tejjyid: or 3? mcphee: good save to 4!H tejjyid: Good lead directing bid by North mcphee: may help opps a bit shevek: don't like 3d. 3s might have bought it robbg: Moir was able to upgrade a bit after 3!d mcphee: would not E dble 3!S? tejjyid: Sure mcphee: smith got talked out of his game! robbg: With an ace and a king? tejjyid: Smith is a "she" I think mcphee: wow vugraph37: moir is a she shevek: Scott Smith and Deborah Moir are young kiwis mcphee: of course, She Smith robbg: Well NS took a good "save" mcphee: I think haffer did well tejjyid: Well yes tejjyid: By bidding 4!S direct he wins the post mortem mcphee: big !D cards robbg: But he will still lose 5 tejjyid: on the bidding the !D hook is > 50% mcphee: mind you 3!D did nty have to be any lenght I guess mcphee: still a great result to the possible 4!H game tejjyid: Who should bid 4!H? vugraph37: ===============2 shevek: we can compare scores now mcphee: i think Smith should have raised mcphee: but she was concerned about the 3 small !D tejjyid: The world needs a convention "Splinter in partners suit" robbg: I am surprised that Kanetka didn't sniff for slam. vugraph37: haffer says "let's see if you can do better" mcphee: i agree Robb robbg: Slam is indifferent here, but could be even better than this. mcphee: 4!S on these cards is just not sensible tejjyid: 3!H would be a reasonable try for slam tejjyid: partner can tell you something sensible shevek: really, 4D here SHOULD be a splinter mcphee: biddindg 3!C would allow lots of room robbg: yes robbg: I would bid 3!c mcphee: now can say "i did better" robbg: but not "I bid better" vugraph37: ====================3 mcphee: so an opportunity missed there mcphee: wk NT mcphee: penalty? shevek: penalty oriented tejjyid: 4 reasonable on EW cards tejjyid: 4!S robbg: Hard to get to after this mcphee: yes big 2 suited fit robbg: now... tejjyid: another triumph for the weak NT robbg: lol mcphee: it was? robbg: So we will see another push tejjyid: Bizarrely this is a flat board robbg: And another opportunity missed, this time, by ew vugraph37: ================4 mcphee: i think most pairs would reach 4!S vul after a 1!D opening with good tools robbg: The other match is closing in on 100 to Nickell tejjyid: Yes, the !D fit is very encouraging mcphee: lets hope 1NTis Non F mcphee: and smitth can stay off 2!H robbg: West will bid and the only question is shevek: haffer will protect robbg: does south balance robbg: and we have an answer mcphee: partner,,,,,,,,,,,,,,never balance when I ahve this defence robbg: i cant type fast enough for this match tejjyid: 3!C imaginative mcphee: it sure was tejjyid: Moir alas, took it seriously mcphee: moir has the goods robbg: This is a bit high shevek: but not dbled robbg: even with this lead robbg: Odd to attack from a 3 card side suit shevek: -100 wil gain 1 imp :) tejjyid: Can't lead partners suit...that would be too old fashioned :-) mcphee: think she might have tried to ruff all her !D losers here ->mcphee: he mcphee: he she, how can I get it right? shevek: Scott Smith and Deborah Moir are young NZers robbg: Or Kiwis, as they are affectionately known in that part of the world :) tejjyid: or sheepshaggers, as they are aso affectionately known shevek: they come from the country where men are men and sheep are nervous :) robbg: NS will be unable to prevent the crossruff for 200 robbg: This is a family show! shevek: lol mcphee: i think moir made a very sensible raise vugraph37: ==================5 tejjyid: the raise was good; shevek: I agree Bob mcphee: next time she will have 6 trumps! tejjyid: lol robbg: The 3!c bid was not good mcphee: well considering parnter on that hand may balance with 2NT for minors shevek: would everyone open north hand? robbg: A prosaic 1NT. mcphee: I'm there tejjyid: 1!H robbg: I would not, but I am almost alone in the US tejjyid: If i had to open 1!C I wouldn't either shevek: at this vul, consider passing shevek: and when I get to play in 1NT they'd dbl me! mcphee: good guesser robbg: 8 tricks are possible tejjyid: an optimist mcphee: meaning they have seen you on play? shevek: hahaha mcphee: hehe robbg: But south doesn't fool around, and 7 are made vugraph37: =====================6 mcphee: I confess I would have gone down tejjyid: !H hook? shevek: so, a few imps to Ware mcphee: yes mcphee: and my opps drop a !D from Qxx sucking me in there also! tejjyid: maybe your opps woul dlead !D as a return gesture vugraph37: sry no dbl on the last one - i misread the caddy's note mcphee: good balancing NY here tejjyid: YOu have a tortured life, Bob robbg: Normal balancing 1NT 11-14 I guess mcphee: we forgive yu 37 mcphee: not sure I would pass with the Smith hand robbg: I am with you shevek: obviously all the specs will bid 2!h with that tejjyid: 2!S (or weak raise) seems OK mcphee: 3 trumps and stiff looks like gold to me robbg: I certainly would not give up! robbg: Maybe they play 4 card majors mcphee: the thing about the smith hand is if partner is strong game is likely makeing unless horrible fit shevek: it was a scoring error in the prev mcphee: perhaps they are not using 2/1 tejjyid: They will not be playing 2/1 shevek: 1NT was not dbled at the other table mcphee: is 1NT F? robbg: No reason to reject restricted choice shevek: honest count by Debs tejjyid: !Nt is probbaly NF mcphee: more reason to pass then tejjyid: 1!S may well be 4 robbg: my my tejjyid: Kanetka tests the defence robbg: Another cold contract has been tortured to death robbg: I don't understand the play at all. vugraph37: =================7 tejjyid: I prefer not to think about restricted choice; just to take it shevek: imo Avi is one of the best declarers I know robbg: North know west had !hQ, !cJ, !dJ vugraph37: kanetkar relied on moir's count tejjyid: A 75% chance is better than my thought processes most days robbg: The !q would give him six mcphee: yes robb robbg: and east showed out on the second !d shevek: Avi played East for 5-5-1-2 for the bididng pause? robbg: and didn't bid over 1NT robbg: As we say, "Holy Cow"! mcphee: that is why you are ACBL life master Robb tejjyid: And now, determined to make up for it, the 4 card 1!D overcall robbg: No, I am life master because I showed up :) mcphee: hehe mcphee: i kinda like 1!D overcall robbg: I would overcall 1!d mcphee: 2 ACBL LM agree! tejjyid: Even if u hadnt misplayed 1NT? mcphee: makes it a laydown I would say robbg: I would hope that that doesn't make him steam mcphee: good play from Smith here mcphee: and declarer was up to the taks mcphee: task shevek: no need to be sarcastic, Bob shevek: :) mcphee: no no I thot low !D was good move, some would lead Q mcphee: or J robbg: still a trick short robbg: Not anymore mcphee: premature !S shift vugraph37: sry - i have lost the play - will wait for claim mcphee: we hoped that was the case tejjyid: a trump continuation by the defence probably vugraph37: ====================8 vugraph37: just a bit too quick for me on that one mcphee: n/s have yet to have a good reesult other than a slight miscue from their oops robbg: On friendly lie, 6!s appears to be cold tejjyid: Can EW bid a making game on this hand? shevek: not sure andrew, speak to rob mcphee: not a 4!S call for me shevek: 13 now, 510 robbg: I would bid 3!s, stronger than 4 tejjyid: 4!S gives up on slam chances mcphee: yes tejjyid: but this is too strong for my 3!S bid; I would X first mcphee: my feeling is that if partner were passing 3!H dble we may not be scoring as well as out game/slam mcphee: so I would opt for the good jump o/c tejjyid: Looking at my !H Kx, I feel partner is not passing mcphee: and strike gold when partner bids 4!C! robbg: Double or 3!s is a matter of style, but 4!s takes up too much room and should be saved for a different hand. vugraph37: =================14 vugraph37: we will skip ahead to 14 to let the closed room catch up tejjyid: No arguments there Rob robbg: This hand should reach 3!s if pushed, and make it. mcphee: n/s will sell out cheap i suspect tejjyid: Not much can go wrong in 3!S tejjyid: NS will get to 3!H quickly mcphee: how? vugraph37: scott telling a golfing story tejjyid: enthusiasm shevek: 1!c 1!s x mcphee: oh opening 1!C was something I did not consider mcphee: but reasonable robbg: You haven't watched the Aussies much have you? robbg: This is "extras" mcphee: this is nt a dble and bid your suit hand for me tejjyid: not strong enough tejjyid: bid 1!S and X later if pressed robbg: This is how American experts would have bid this hand 40 years ago. mcphee: smith came to the same realization robbg: The modern style is to overcall directly mcphee: exactlyand bid dble at your next turn shevek: o/c =8-18 hcp robbg: On trump lead, should make 4 tejjyid: I'm surprised N didnt try 3!H with his 7 loser hand mcphee: o/c 8-17 ragne is also favored in the US, but not in Canada robbg: Maybe not robbg: no entry vugraph37: ===================9 tejjyid: 2!C = both majors IMO tejjyid: but this looks more like a 1!Sopening robbg: Convention abuse mcphee: looks like 1!S to me robbg: !h lead will serve her right mcphee: but this little topy will work out well robbg: On board 6, where west passed out the balancing 1NT, ew bid all the way to 4!h, so Smith picked up some imps tejjyid: I think justice has been postponed mcphee: thot he may have hopped up with a honor there shevek: I'm surprised he didn't lead a !s mcphee: seem the !H lead was great! shevek: I wasn't talking abt HIM :) robbg: weird game yes mcphee: Snow in a hepa of problems mcphee: S I mean shevek: East showed a weak two in !S not both Maj mcphee: oh well then West forgot! robbg: rofl tejjyid: nice ending mcphee: nice endplay robbg: only 4 boards left vugraph37: ==========================10 robbg: Can Kanetkar stage a comeback? tejjyid: We need blood, buckets of blood shevek: looks like Ware is gathering imps stadily tejjyid: Where are the double doubled slam swings? robbg: No blood here tejjyid: pick the !C for overtricks mcphee: moir should have popped Q!S to give N a dig and make him annoyed tejjyid: claim time mcphee: thats what Wold does to me when I make those plays tejjyid: and u find partner lead from 5 small? mcphee: hehe mcphee: or if I underlead an ace, he wins in hand with the K and says , OH vugraph37: ===================11 mcphee: how frisky will n/s get? tejjyid: 4!S I predict mcphee: going down many tejjyid: !H leaad = 2 off robbg: EW best fit goes undiscovered, and for the best here vugraph37: haffer say "sry p - this could be ugly" tejjyid: so laong as they understand Lavinthal (generally called McKenney down under) mcphee: kanetkas agrees of course shevek: zis could be ugly :) mcphee: e/w could score all 3 trumps shevek: I'm sure Joe wouldn't mind me making fun of his german accent :) mcphee: !C first would have done that for them robbg: Can still do, but not obvious mcphee: might try A!D tejjyid: :-) vugraph37: =====================12 mcphee: the !D could not really go away robbg: no mcphee: but there is fear in these situations robbg: and now there is loathing tejjyid: analysis conquers fear....or maybe not robbg: Look at this layout mcphee: bold stroke 3NT at these colors robbg: 3NT cold due to !c entry in south! shevek: with 2 sure tricks I would have passed the dbl robbg: should rise mcphee: yes when they are vul shevek: at this vul robbg: Look how silly this !h play was robbg: If diamonds are anything but 6-1, a shift beats them mcphee: yes a !D back and the hives appear robbg: Didn't need second !h trick mcphee: 3-1 !Cwas also failing with !D return tejjyid: cant argue with success though robbg: They aren't into claiming are they tejjyid: need practice :-) robbg: ! vugraph37: ====================13 shevek: details for this event at tejjyid: Like to thank the VBA, the ABf and the tournamanet convonors for supporting BBO tejjyid: Even if I cant spell Walddk2: Spell was spelled correctly Andrew :-) tejjyid: and all the commentators & spectators tejjyid: and Roland mcphee: we need a !D lead mcphee: UNDO mcphee: a !D I said tejjyid: Should lead !SK if he must lead a !S shevek: and Dave, our Smooth Operator :) mcphee: hehehe robbg: Haffer showed little imagination here. robbg: Double should show desire for a different lead. tejjyid: yes, !S is poor thinking robbg: Moir still has to guess !c tejjyid: But even the !SK would be enough to hold the lead and switch robbg: yes mcphee: well hard to get !C wrong robbg: and duly guessed vugraph37: that was the last board robbg: Thanks everybody mcphee: thanks for watching folks vugraph37: i'll keep the room open as the scores come in from the other room tejjyid: thanks David & all others, and see you in an hour vugraph37: next match in 90 minutes from now NickF: vugraph37: for those saving LIN files - this is actually Rd 09 - you will need to rename your LIN file otherwise it will confuse ... vugraph37: wiht last night's match vugraph37: we are finished in this room - just waiting for the comparisons to come in from the other room vugraph37: brds 15 & 16 are still to be played in the closed room - the caddy will bring the results to me as soon as they finish vugraph37: one board to come - after that is scored, i'll keep the room open just a little bit longer and try to get the ... vugraph37: leadersboard vugraph37: that is the last result for this match so 41-9 to Ware vugraph37: i will try to get a leadersboard in the next few minutes and determine which match will be covered for the final round ... vugraph37: of the VCC vugraph37: event info - click on VCC vugraph37: ok. leadersboard: Neill 171, Ware, 171, Sarten 169, Brightling 165, Thompson 164, Briffman 161 vugraph37: the vugraph match for the final round will be Neill vs. Brightling in about 50 minutes from now vugraph37: closing the room now - bye