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2008 Grand National Open Teams
PQP Awards
1st 36; 2nd 18; 3rd 5; 4th 5
Place Players
1 SYDNEY 6: I Del'monte, K Dyke, P Gosney, B Richman
2 SYDNEY 2: J Foster, K Morrison, R Stuart, D Weston
3=ADELAIDE 1: P Hudson, M Jappe, C Lorimer, J Maddison, G Sargent, D Smyth
3=SYDNEY 3: M Green, P Gumby, R Jedrychowski, W Lazer, B Neill, A Peake
G. Bremner-Moore & S. Browne failed the Board Rule in the Semi-Final
and so are not eligible for the title
ABF Number Player NameUnitPQPs
386431 Ishmael Del'Montea36
378690 Kieran Dykea36
600393 Paul Gosneya36
51845 Bob Richmana36
518891 Julian Fosterb18
44318 Kim Morrisonb18
71511 Ross Stuartb18
65617 David Westonb18
232531 Paul Hudsonc5
392189 Mark Jappec5
197858 Chris Lorimerc5
243221 John Maddisonc5
199095 Greg Sargentc5
160458 David Smythc5
244538 Murray Greend5
24732 Pauline Gumbyd5
590835 Richard Jedrychowskid5
35238 Warren Lazerd5
45632 Bruce Neilld5
291269 Andrew Peaked5
