Hand RecordsDatums Datums MastersheetTeams Listing

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Final Round

Mastersheet Showing Team Members Cross Table


 Team 1 2 3 4 5 6 ImpsVPSPlacing
2 CHENEY 5 25 -24 25 37 17 85 114 1
1 RICHMAN 41 10 24 -3 -4 14 82 113 2
4 TRUSCOTT 12 8 48 3 -37 20 54 102 3
5 WALTERS 19 -8 -1 24 4 -17 21 98 4
10 FRASER-12 20 1 -9 15 -14 1 90 5
8 HOOLE-5 -3 20 -24 9 3 0 90 6
7 BUFTON-41 0 -8 9 10 24 -6 90 7
3 LUXTON-25 0 49 9 -9 -20 4 86 8
11 KENNEDY-19 -20 8 -14 10 -3 -38 78 9
9 COUZNER 25 -10 -48 -25 -10 17 -51 75 10
12 LUPUL 8 3 -49 14 -15 -24 -63 70 11
6 NIXON-8 -25 -20 -9 -10 -17 -89 63 12